Sunday, July 29, 2007

Brianna Senior Portrait Sitting Avondale Arizona Phoenix

Brianna was the first subject we had in our new studio. Brianna works at the salon my wife frequents and thought she would make a great subject. I was floored.

Yesterday we were just playing around in our new shop as it is rather tight as far as space for shooting but is manageable. We had a 24x36 softbox camera right at about a 45 degree angle about 12 inches from her face. I had a kicker light about 45 degrees behind her camera left. I couldn't get the kicker to outline her the way I wanted. Next time I am going to use barn doors to create more directional light.

Brianna is entering her senior year of high school and as the weather cools down, we are planning another sitting which will take place outdoors.

We can't wait....

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